1. A small bridge (like this...http://www.hayneedle.com/product/4ftfunctionalwoodenbridge.cfm?redirect=false&source=pla&kwid=GardenBridges_CWR001&tid=CWR001-1&adtype=pla&kw=&gclid=Cj0KEQiAyuPCBRCimuayhb3qqvwBEiQAgz62kU3UHoIqJuxL19-F5rYsmgqAS1a4x8A_i8x3LYtl-BcaApf88P8HAQ) for the entrance
2. A small picket type fencing for one side
3. Wooden sensory table frames for plastic bins and lids to sit on top
4. A set of outdoor "buiding blocks" such as this
5. A sign for the entrance ( will ask art club to paint)
6. A small platform and benches likes this (not to be shaped in this shape, more like a square most likely)
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