- Had a successful bake sale on Monday
- Finalized design for the base of the robot
- New pieces arrived
- Columns built upward from the brace and three braces on the top were made
- Finalized placement of treads
- Four axels for the treads placed in the interior of the robot
- Attempts made to pull the ball into the robot via treads
- Treads cannot pull the balls to the back of the robot
- Make the elevating mechanism not get jammed
- make the space between the two bars smaller?
- Finalize desgins
- Order more parts if needed
- Commuity service work - building picnic tables for the High School Garden (3 Tables)
- Start to edit the elevating mechanism for the arm
Goals for next week:
- work on grabbing mechanism of the robot
- finalize the base of the robot )possibly start to build frame)